Vociferous is an adjective which can be defined as an expressing opinions or feelings in loud and confident way

Fille is actually a French word mean a girl.

I take this blog as a medium for me to share my opinions or knowledge with other people. Feel free to read and have a blast! ;)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Diploma in Pharmacy UiTM 2016

Dearest all who have read my previous post on the Realiti Diploma Farmasi, I just re-opened my blog after a super long long time, *thought that I've private my blog, sigh* and realize that there are few comments from few years ago that I just discovered. Im neglect and feel so sorry for them who didnt get the reply. In this post, I will be telling about the Dip in Pharm UiTM, up to date to current year 2016. 

So basically Dip in Pharm is a 3 years program. Last time during my time in 2012, we are all have to travel on daily basis as the Bertam Campus did not have residential college. Alhamdulillah today, all the Dip Pharm student do not have to travel anymore, as residential college in Bertam are ready to live in. This means that all the students do not have to wake up so early in morning to catch the bus and ride on 45 minutes journey anymore. *thumbs up uitm for providing a great accomodations

This 3 years program, comprised of 2 years of on campus mode, attending lecture and do practical (lab session) and 1 year (it's about 10 months to be exact), hospital attachment. I've graduated on 2015, and currently doing my Bachelor in Pharmacy (Bpharm UiTM)

Based on my experience, I enjoy my days when im doing diploma in pharmacy. For me, Penang is a nice place, which I rarely feel homesick. The environment, the lecturers are supernice. You dont have to worry. In terms of studying, I would say, you dont compare yourself with other courses. If you aim to further degree after graduated from Dip in Pharm, you have to work hard. The subject is quite challenging, with lots of memorizing and understanding, of course. Bcs im now doing my Bpharm, so I get to compare what's the difference during diploma and degree life. 

During my days doing Diploma, we have so many interesting lab session of compounding medicine. Each solid dosage form, for example solid dosage and liquid dosage, they have their own lab, and we learn the course solely. So we get to compound few type of medicine in the same group of dosage form. In Bpharm, all the dosage form are packed into one courses, which we will compound solid and liquid in the same course. So the amount of the medicine that we compound are lesser compared to when I was doing dip.  

If you are wondering, how many year I have to do my Bpharm after I graduated from Dip in Pharm, the answer is 4 YEARS. Yup! You read it right. So in total 3 years + 4 years = 7 years. Last time, I also thought there will be shortcut or in proper words there is credit hour transfer, but sadly No. But I okay je, and I've no regret pun for taking diploma. As I had more exposure to this field, and there is few things that help me to understand better in the degree subject. 

That all that I could think now, I hope it helps. Any inquiries, you can always email me at ninashr.work@gmail.com   InshaAllah will try to assist you guys for a better future. Gituuu. Till then <3 p="">

Friday, March 29, 2013

Realiti Diploma Farmasi UiTM

It's been so loooooooong, I didnt post anything. Kinda lost in my own world, flew with all the drugs. Hihihi. Now, Im back to write and share something. I think this can be the follow up of Matrics or Diploma post. I feel it's a need for me to write and share this, and it's a pleasure for me to share some knowlodge and give knowledge to others. Well get back to the heading up there. This post gonna 'reveal' the truth of Dip of Pharmacy UiTM which im taking now. Cewahhh. Sekarang saya di akhir sem 2. hihi.  
Okay, program ni (Dip in Pharm Uitm) ambil masa 3 tahun pengajian. 2 tahun sesi pembelajaran di kampus dan 1 tahun hospital training (Practical). Perlulah anda semua tahu, program ni dah tak menawarkan fast track. Sebabnya, program Dip Pharm ni tumbuh seperti cendawan dan banyak IPTS dah tawarkan. Utk menjaga kualiti graduan, thus, Uitm terminated this offer and all the student have to go through all the 3 years. Well, nampak macam panjang, tapi percayalah Uitm ni banyak sangat cuti, so takkan rasa pun dah 3 tahun berlalu. Hehe. To proceed BPharm, kene dapat CGPA 3.8. Huhu. Tapi ada ura ura kata dah turun 3.5. Tu kena search balik la ye kwn kwn.
So kehidupan sebagai seorang student dip in pharm uitm ni macam mana ea? Im gonna tell you the truth la kann, our faculty located at UiTM kampus Bertam (dip program). Yang kat Puncak Alam tu untuk degree ye kawan kawan. Kolej means tempat tinggal kita orang dekat Kampus Permatang Pauh (main campus). So everyday, pukul 7.30 pgi we gotta catch a bus and start our journey to bertam, which took almost half an hour paling cepat. Schedule seriously packed. Credit hour: 20. Tapi masuk sem 3 onwards subject dah berkurang. Class sampai petang, usually balik pukul 4 petang and sampai kolej pukul 5 ptg. Mula mula rasa la bebanan yang teramat, lama lama we get used to it :D
In terms of study, bestlah kot, sebab dah tak belajar physics lagi tapi belajar physical chemistry, which not so much different pun. Hehe. Tu satu subject je, subject lain best. Contohnya subject liquid dosage form, kita siap compound ubat tu sendiri tau. Not only Liquid Dosage, but also Solid and SemiSolid. Later we gonna compound ointment and cream. Wuu, excitednyaa. Hehe. Bestlah senang cerita. Ni satu advantage la kan, bila proceed degree, dip takers dah ada basic kukuh. Walaupun cuaca kat sini panas sikit, and sometimes ada beberapa faktor yang melunturkan semangat tapi overall Im so grateful to be thrown here. I never feel regret.
Lagi apa ea nak cerita? Hm, for those who really want to be a pharmacist, or even a doctor or dentist but feel like studying in comfort zone(no rush), I highly recommend you to take this course. The environment of studying in foundation/matrics are totally different from those who take up dip. Even we have a packed schedule too, but I believe dip takers have more time. Plus kalau pointer drop, we have few semester to boost up our pointer. This is only part of my opinion. Wishing you all the best, hope tht this post helps. Have a blessed day ahead. Any inquiries, comment jelah okay :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

This is real.

Salam Alaik,

Well, it's been a long time since my last post. Stuck in my packed schedule when I was in campus, and pretty enjoying my holiday to the fullest when I was home. Anw, how are you doing people? Cliche betul. Common betul. Well I hate to do something that people dont do. It's not that im not daring enough, but I might be tired to answer all the questions that come after, when people are really concern on the 'bizarre' thing that they've discovered on you! I lied. Im just afraid to face the music.

Last time I promised to let people know about my life in Penang. The first answer when people asked me, 'Nina, how's Penang?' First word, PANAS. Tak tahu kenapa, maybe sebab dekat dengan laut. Tapi kita orang dekat mainland. But seriously, for the first time, I feel like sleeping in the sauna room, woke up in the morning, dah siap mandi. Mandi peluh youolls. But environment, so far, beyond my expectation. Malls keliling. Kolej selesa. Tempat belajar selesa. Transport je susah sikit. 

Kuliah, okay okay je. Tidur dalam class tu masih lagi. Jujur ni. Woke up, 6 in the morning. Grab the bus at 7 am. Balik paling lambat pukul 6. Yeahh, macam budak sekolah, still naik bus, still balik lambat. Because student Pharmacy and Health Science campus dekat Bertam. Kolej/Asrama dekat Permatang Pauh. So Mon-Fri travelling. Schedule pack gila. First Semester for Pharmacy Student ada 7 subject plus 1 ko-ku subject. Semua kelapan lapan bawak final. Tough la jugak. Tapi aku bersyukur gila sebab dah takda subject physics. Sem 1 takdelah susah sangat, ramai je yang dapat Dean List (Pointer 3.5 and above)

Realitinya, student Diploma of Pharmacy UiTM ni, basically, rata rata student dia 6A's and above masa SPM. Semua background hebat hebat belaka. Start daripada bila entah, dah tak ada fast track. Ada 6 semester. 4 Sem belajar dekat campus, 2 Sem keluar practical dekat hospital. Lulusan Diploma of Pharmacy ni,  career opportunity; Pharmacy Technician/Assistant Pharmacy. Graduated student can pursue Bachelor in Medic, Dentistry, Opto, Pharmacy and etc. But definitely, kalau nak pursue medic kenelah pointer 4.0. If nak Pharmacy/ Dentistry mesti 3.8. We have to compete with students from matriculation and other foundations.

Groupmates and Lecturers, PH1101C1

3.8, nombor bertuah. Siang malam jadi igaun. Ayat takboleh blah. Bila nak exam je, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena. Everyone really work hard on it. So, I was like lil bit offended when people said Diploma senang je, sini duduk belajar course aku nengok senang ke tk. Syllabus lebih kurang je macam matriks. Aku belajar Glycoloysis, dia orang pun belajar Glycolysis jugak. Then nak cakap apa lagi ea? Seronok je sebenarnya kat Penang. I met many new people, a really kind people. Tak selalu homesick eventho masa ibu balik after hantar I cried. Malu je, masa Universiti pun nangis lagi. Hihi. Till here, Sayonara for now.

PS: Something that we know it's hard to grab can have 2 solutions; First, left it in the middle of the journey or in other words give up on it, OR Second solutions, make it as a motivation for you to work harder and less procrastinate. Things never get easy unless you put some effort on it. Even, Thomas Edison put a lot of effort to light up the world today, Colonel Sander failed many times to make a finger licking Kentucky Friend Chicken today and even Nabi Muhammad SAW also faced many challenges to deliver Da'wa, but he never give up.

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad, and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent, but silence is better than idle words." - Prophet Muhammad SAW.